An educational, entertainment web-series experiment by The Brothers Winn - hundreds of episodes, hours of entertainment and . Watch the show online or buy the DVD with shows and bonus content you will never see on the show's Youtube channel! Order the DVD now ... or later, 'cause it will probably still be here. Probably.
Watch the series on YoutubeFour new shows plus bonus content only available on the DVD. We have a limited supply and we aren't making more! Someday (maybe in 10,000 years or so) it will be a collector’s item! So think of it as an investment, buy one (or more) today, and help us clear out Camera Guy's garage!
$15.95 including US shipping ($8.95 + $7)
Our long-awaited, documentary adventure film
If you have any thoughts, suggestions, ideas, rants, comments, collaborations or are interested in hiring us for special/commercial projects, This is the way to do it. Yes, it is email. Those of you are too young or too hip for email, you can use the social media links, too.